It revises it to the medical institution support the second difficulty wave provision guideline:

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It revises it to the medical institution support the second difficulty wave provision guideline: The difficulty to a new influenza new full Dipterocarpus tuberculatus and the second wave provision guideline revision medical institution support.

The anxiety that the infection extends more than 30 administrative divisions, and "The second wave" that becomes popular in the whole country is not avoided after autumn has risen to a new influenza. It is a new management guideline that it is received that World Health Organization (WHO) hiked the warning level to "Phase 6" and Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare showed. Bread..Demick..Onagare..for..failure..realistic..countermeasure..say..guideline..operate..medical

In caring for the person who has the nosocomial infection prevention countermeasure and the undorlying disease that the guideline requested, the seasonality influenza that goes around at the ordinary year is a necessary countermeasure. It can be said that Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is requesting the thoroughness in "Natural provision" from people and the medical institution.

However, the situation maintenance doesn't advance only by showing, "Examine it in the principle all medical institutions". The burden that rests upon the medical institution such as securing the extension of general patient and exoergic patient's plutonium separations and the diagnosis and treatment time and the hospitalization sickbeds is large. The fiscal action is needed in advancing the inside and the countermeasure of the doctor deficiency. Actually, the municipality is advancing an original aid package in Sendaishi and Tokyo where the medical institution has already cooperated in the new patient diagnosis and treatment. The doctor and the nursing master are requesting the compensation of the secondary infection lingua situation from the Japan Medical Association.

Moreover, a necessary countermeasure is not only a medical treatment side. There are support to parents who cannot go to work in the closure and closing of the school and the day nursery as a piece. There is a possibility that the public anxiety rises, too, if a big influence goes out to the activity such as enterprises though the countermeasure is insufficient. The country should include the ideal way of the relevant information providing, and speed up the discussion about the concrete measure to keep the society with serenity.

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このページは、jp_masterがJune 27, 2009 10:35 PMに書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「The doctor helicopter: Health care cost is 4-18 hospitalization cutbacks from the decrease ambulance.」です。

次のブログ記事は「 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare showed the view with the severely ill about four-years old boy in Ibaraki Prefecture that was affirmed a new influenza infection on the 12th」です。
