< new influenza virus > Decomposition Daikin Industries of virus 100%

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Daikin Industries announced that they demonstrated the decomposition of new influenza virus (H1N1) by 100%, and the removal of the air cleaning technology of this company that was called "Streamer discharge" on the 15th by a joint research with the Vietnamese national hygiene epidemiological study place. The demonstration of 100% decomposition is the first in the world and Iu. It is announced that it was demonstrated that the technology of the electrolysis water of this company that uses it for the air cleaner etc. decreased the number of this viruses by 99% or more over a new influenza as for Sanyo Electric in August. The streamer discharge is a technology that decomposes the virus and pollen, etc. by generating the electron with strong oxidative decomposition power. In the experiment, the cell that inoculated a new influenza virus was put on the provision that reproduced the inside of the air cleaner and the streamer discharge was continued for four hours. As a result, the virus is a confirmation lingua as the cell is normality as for the extinction lingua. Daikin is announcing that they demonstrated the decomposition of this technology of avian influenza virus (H5N1) by 100% in May. The streamer discharge technology is developed in 04, and has been installed in the air cleaner and the air conditioner etc. of this company. The technology that decomposes a new influenza virus by 100% is installed in three models such as the humidifying air cleaners put on the market on September 11 in the amount of the electrical discharge by 1.5 times since conventional. Source: Http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090915-00000068-mai-bus_all


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