It is 13 person infection be imprisoned person, it is a staff, and a trifling ailment new influenza in Nara, Takatori, and facility for the disabled.

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A new influenza: It is 13 person infection be imprisoned person, it is a staff, and trifling ailment in facility for the disabled. --Takatori/Nara

It was announced to welfare for the disabled facilities "Katori work in which the hill of ..spear.. Gino" of Takatoricho Kangakuji, and new influenza the be imprisoned person and 13 people in the total of the staff on the 25th the prefecture the infection lingua. All sit up and take notices by the trifling ailment. The herd infection of ten people or more having come to light by the social welfare facility of the prefecture is the first.

Patients are 20, and 4 staff according to the prefecture in their thirties with nine be imprisoned people 10-in his/her forties. The be imprisoned person of a woman in her forties appealed for the exoergic on the 16th. Because a new influenza infection was affirmed to one of 13 by the genetic screening, the prefecture thinks that the other as many as 12 people are infection linguas. Facilities were decided the self-imposed control of the acceptance of the expert place until the 28th.

Inside a prefecture, the patient has increased to the second eyes by the fixed point investigation of 55 medical institutions with 1.85 people on the average a medical institution in the whole country after Okinawa Prefecture.

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